Thursday, July 16, 2009

Senator slips, asks Sotomayor for extra linens before she goes

As the marathon nomination hearing of Sonia Sotomayor continues, more and more people are coming down with C-SPAN fever. With the latest addition of Al Franken, the cast of Cocoon, aka the Senate is a regular Animal House.

However, one can't help but wonder, don't you question-filled crackers (yes, i went there, and i'm not even a wise latina) have more important matters to attend to?

I realize things have been just peachy keen for the past eight years and running, but maybe there's some legislation laying around that could be worked on. It's wonderful to fill the atmosphere with all that hot air coming out of your mouth, but then you're just playing into Al Gore's hands -- gasp, the horror!

For every second they go over their allowed time, the guilty senator should take a pay cut, or lose one of their Asian mistresses. These douchebags know how they're going to vote, but have to play party politics and put on what they think is a show since it's the only time they're exciting enough to be in The Situation Room.

Unless a Supreme Court nominee has a history like OJ Simpson, odds are pretty good that whomever the president is, they will get their judicial choice.

So, my dear Senators, shut the fuck up and check yes or no. It doesn't take a wise Latina to figure that one out.

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