Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Charged with being a black homeowner in Mass." episode not presidential business

Though President Obama is our first black president, that does not mean he should feel obligated to comment on every little racial flare-up of potential ignorance or race-card dealing. Despite his election, racism will never die in this country, sadly. People will always judge and label other people.

And even though Mr. Gates sounded like a grade-A asshole as far as his comments, anybody would get angry in that situation. The police officer should be better than that and the professional in the matter. It's not worth the energy of putting on the cuffs or filling out the paperwork.

The black community and the police don't exactly have a rosy history. If people don't recognize that, they'll never come close to understanding the tension simmering below the surface. It's not like some of the uglier days in American history, when half the force in Mississippi was in the Klan, but people still have a long way to go.

As far as what President Obama could be doing:

How about dealing with some money management, so the generations ahead don't break their collective back picking up the future tab? Or how about some real energy solutions and simultaneous new job creation? Maybe deal with immigration which would knock out a lot of the uninsured masses that are part of the health care hoopla?

Though I'm throwing all this out there, I'm avoiding the true monumental matter at hand for our president: Ensuring that Paula Abdul is gainfully employed and reconciled with American Idol.

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