Sunday, July 19, 2009

CIA kept Congress in the dark; Nancy Pelosi dies a little inside

(AP Photo)

Why is a CIA program to assassinate terrorists news of any kind? OK, keeping it from Congress might have been kinda slimy, but government is a slimy business.

The less those special people on the Hill know, i.e. our government, the higher the odds are of accomplishing something.

And I realize they're cute and cuddly, but behind those fuzzy terrorist beards of benevolence, lies some people with serious issues. The sage advice of Rodney King comes to mind: "Can't we all just get along??"

But really, don't folks know that the Central Intelligence Agency has been whacking people all over the world since our country began meddling in other's affairs, which goes back quite far.

During the Cold War, continents were played like a checkerboard between the USSR and USA. Leaders were propped up or pushed out depending on who's agenda the nudging was being done on behalf of.

Those that follow the mantra of "Let's blow shit up" probably wouldn't attend a peace, love and happiness Oslo Summit-type gathering regardless of how many virgins were promised, so do we really think we could play nicey nice? Or is it just the fact that the House and Senate didn't get to debate their wrinkled, old asses off until the sun came up?

I'm no diplomat, nor am I a proctologist, but neither scenario sounds very attractive.

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