Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vacation is a beautiful thing despite ugliness of tourists

Mountains, cool lake air...the serenity of nature is an exquisite thing. Spotting deer and black bear can make the outdoors in a place like Western Maryland even more enjoyable.

But there is another species that one can never escape while on vacation. The human species.

It seems we spread everywhere, like the plague, bringing along with us our motorized dependency -- from SUV to powerboat to jet ski to ATV -- and our ADD-infused impatience and downright ignorance.

On the motorized point, a cavalry of meatheads and their combustion engines speeding up and down a lake somehow takes away from the natural ebb and flow of a freshwater lake and the soothing breeze brushing along the shoreline. Not to mention the fluids and fuel that inevitably are released from at least some of the watercraft warriors' choice of transportation.

In the short term, this may be good old-fashioned fun, but in the long term, it does not paint a rosy picture for a lake's overall water quality.

Give us time, and we can mess up anything. And water is one resource, whether under the ground or on the surface, that we just don't seem to comprehend the fragility and importance of.

So while the dipshits of the nation trash their land and bitch about those good old standbys -- gas and oil prices -- maybe we should be renewing a focus on a little resource known as the source of all life.

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