Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Specter the Defector

For one of those crazy libertarian people like myself, the fact that Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter going to the other side of the aisle was such a news hard-on for the monstrosity known as mass media was pretty amusing.

In my horrific time working on congressional hearings, he was one of the few rational, bearable windbags on the Hill. And evolving as a human being would seem to always be a positive thing -- unless it's being reported on Fox News.

The fact that someone not constantly toeing the party line even exists is certainly a miracle in itself, but bipartisan bullshit will always prevail. How can you get anything done when you're surrounded by idiots?

Plus, it's hard to figure whether it's best to have one group of dipshits have their way, or two groups of dipshits in gridlock and not enabled to fuck up in the name of legislation.

At the bare minimum, for at least one day, Specter can say he was bigger than the swine flu pandemic.

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