Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama hopes G20 fills out his bingo card

This week, President Obama gets an all-expenses paid trip to overcast, wet, pasty-faced London for the G20 summit. Topic of discussion? You guessed it, the economy.

Will there be any true examples of leadership or innovation at this summit, or a lot of back-patting and empty soundbites? Let's hope for the former, but these are politicians, people, so don't get your hopes up.

Of course, don't forget the great panoramic shots of street protests, too. At least presidential mask makers (see above pic courtesy of AP) get an economic stimulus out of the deal.

All the countries our president really needs to be focused on are no part of the G20: Pakistan, North Korea, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. Each presents their own set of problems, and unfortunately Obama will just have to add it to his list of ongoing and upcoming headaches.

Look for the end of this week to be a particularly Tylenol PM-worthy moment for our leader when a certain nutjob with oversized glasses prepares to launch a "satellite" from North Korea.

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