Friday, June 12, 2009

Everybody's a winner in Iran election

Mousavi vs. Ahmadinejad -- it just rolls off the tongue.

The incumbent and candidate are just two of the contenders in Iran's presidential election, but apparently both have won.

(Hey Tehran, where's the love for chief of Islamic Revolutionary Corps Mohsen Rezaei and former Parliament Speaker Mehdi Karroub
? Or do you want to be more American-like and embrace bullshit-ridden bipartisan politics, consistently refusing to count higher than two?)

Finishing the ballot count is a mere oversight, so "the definite winner" and "Members Only" Mahmoud can get started right away.

The current fellow hasn't exactly lit up the scoreboard with regards to the economy, and no matter what corner of the world, that's always a hot-button issue -- even where people don't know what a hot button is.

Though I don't know the translation, as a part-time international election campaign chief, I'd say in Arabic: "It's the economy, stupid."

No matter. With Iran, the ayatollahs run the show, anyhow. All politicians eventually wear out their welcome, and the current jackass is no exception. Here's hoping the welcome is worn sooner rather than later.

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